3/5 - Okay/Mixed
Time to Beat - Approx 7.5 hours. ('Bring It On' difficulty)
The interactivity is impressive for its time. If you plan on playing this, prepare for very quicksave/quickload trial-and-error gameplay and anti-climactic boss battles. This was one of the last 'pre-Half-Life 2' PC shooters, and it's not bad considering that. If you aren't interested in the sci-fi WW2 aesthetic or this era of PC shooters, there's no shame in skipping this one.
Protip: Most of the power weapons are quite useless against bosses, except maybe the Venom. I still haven't figured out what the hell purpose the Tesla is supposed to serve, considering you can easily unload the entire capacity into someone with no effect.
Also, I don't know what's up with the in-game timer but you should ignore it, it never gives the correct time.